I was born at Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. I am Muslim and proud of that.

I grew up in several cities. Now, I am looking ways to turn around the World before at the time have to come back for better Indonesia’s program.

Calm, Humorist-Serious, High Commitment and Friendly.

I hope this media would be a good tools to share the experience. Hopefully, it’ll be worthy.

9 Responses to “Short Intro: The Azman’s”

  1. nuri sadida Says:

    ngomong apa sih lu, man…

  2. ora opo2,mb nuy.. . aya aya wae

  3. Lintang Says:

    Come on Azman, keep writing..
    U’ve made a good start..Just make it persistant!
    [I’m trying to do so..]

    Finance Engineer, huh? 🙂

    “bond knowledge by write it down”..

  4. SAMAN UI Says:

    Hidup Nanggroe, Be a Leader!

  5. indra Says:

    aura “azman banggggettt” blognya… 😛

  6. azman Says:

    indra, mang gimane aura nye..;)

  7. boy Says:

    maen2 kesini bang, nyobain kimchi, hehe…

  8. azman Says:

    trima kasih boy.. sukses ya

  9. ikhti Says:


    hi azman,

    thx for publishing the article on gold dinar.at least i’ve got some ideas on what to write about it for my assignment 🙂

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